If your on Instagram – I’d LOVE for you to follow me (Mom.Wife.Teach)!
Dr. Kimberly R (IG- Drkimberlyr) started a 2 week wellness goals challenge that I joined in on. I’ve been enjoying her daily post challenges. If you want to join in on the challenge, it’s not too late!
Today is Day 6 ~ LEARN #wellnessgoalschallenge

- WordPress Book Link
- Blogging Book Link
- SEO Book Link
- Girl, Wash Your Face Book Link (I am LOVING this book!)
I’ve had a few followers on IG comment about how cute the planner is that I’m using in my posts. I LOVE the design on this planner (and you can’t beat the price~ UNDER $8!) & it has plenty of space to write! I highly recommend it!
This post is not sponsored. (Affiliate links) This does not affect your price at all. It simply means that if you click the link and make a purchase, I may get a small commission from the retailer. Thank you for supporting my blog!