We are all trying our best to navigate new territories due to social distancing, self quarantine, and the Coronavirus that we as a nation & world are facing. Whether you are working from home for the first time, trying to figure out the best routine for your child/children to learn from home, or a combination of both….
~10 helpful tips~
- Create a space in your home for work/virtual learning.
- If you have kids, they will most definitely get into quarrels from time to time, BREATHE… they are also having a hard time adjusting… kids strive on a schedule, on a consistent structure ~ I’m not just saying this… I’ve been an educator for the past 16 years! Create a schedule, it’s okay to tweak it, if needed. For those of you working from home, schedule time during the workday for your kids to talk with you (like you would with a coworker or boss). This will help decrease the interruptions you’ll have during your work day, while also letting your kids know they are important!
- Use a planner. I personally LOVE this planner because it is blank (so you can start it at any point without wasting money on months that have already passed in a calendar year). Also, these pens are A-mazing because they are erasable!
- Take short breaks (go outside and walk to your mailbox, make a cup of coffee/tea, listen to your favorite music, etc…)
- Have down time each day (put it in the schedule). It’s okay and good for kids to be bored. They can choose to read a book in their room, engage in a quiet activity, or take a nap. At first they will most likely fuss about it but once they get use to it they will enjoy some time away from their siblings and/or technology. HINT- a conference call with work is a great time to schedule down time 😉 for the kids.
- Each day will NOT be perfect but find something good about each day.
- Breathe! This too shall pass…
- At the end of the day (during dinner or bedtime) take time to talk with your kids and spouse… * What was the best thing about today? * What would you change about today? * What is something you want to do this week?
- Remember: (something I always told my class) everyday is a new day! Yesterday is done, so let’s not focus on it. Use it as a stepping stone to learn from and move forward.
- YOU are in charge of YOUR happiness! So, what brings you JOY? I’ll share some things that brighten my day to help you with ideas…
~5 things that bring me JOY~
~ Creating a relaxing environment by lighting a candle or putting in my favorite essential oil into the diffuser.
~ During breaks, listening to my favorite music (my first choice is always the Top Christian Station on our BOSE radio). I don’t know about you, but I LOVE music and it is an instant mood enhancer for me!
~ Brewing a fresh cup of coffee or tea in our KEURIG.
~ Praying or spending time with God (devotions).
~ Go outside, even if it’s for only a few minutes between work calls or in between homeschool lessons.
What are some tips that have helped you and your family through this time at home? Do you need or want tips, tools, and resources to help with homeschooling?
I’d love to hear what tips you find helpful or you implement from this article!
To share some JOY, here’s the picture of the beach sunrise that my husband & I went to watch on the 1st day of Spring this year! (I also have a short video clip on my IG account, saved in highlights under FL weather). If you’re not following me already on IG, I’d love for you to! Side note ~ We live about fifteen minutes from our local beach and this is the 1st sunrise I’ve seen (no judging 😉 LOL)

P.S. Mama’s & Dada’s give yourself a round of applause… YOU are doing such a good job! This “slow down” time has been given to you as a time to create memories! YOU GOT THIS~ Wonder Woman/Captain America!

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