Anyone else out there suffer from allergies? I live in Florida, so pretty much pollen year round! Our “snow” comes in a light dusting of yellow. No, not the kind of yellow snow you’re thinking of right now! 😉 LOL. The kind that causes sinus pain & pressure and even changes the color of your cars 🙂 Haha!
Please note: I am not a medical doctor. So, please do not take anything from this blog post as medical advice. I am simply sharing items I’ve found, bought, and used from Amazon that have worked for me. I’d love to know if there is a product I haven’t tried that works for you! Please leave a comment! 🙂
- My husband bought me these to try and although they are strong, I love the smell & they really do help to open up my sinuses.
- Not only is this absolutely beautiful on my nightstand, I also know that there is a lot of research behind these.
- My neighbor recommended this product to me. It is extremely strong but man does it work!
- I talked about this product in my last post for Amazon beauty but it is SO good that it also doubles as a sinus relief product! I actually bought it after reading the reviews of how it helped others with their sinuses.
- This one we have in our bedroom and love that it has washable filters! This one we have in each of our kids bedrooms because it’s more compact and sits nicely on their dressers.
- We LOVE this gadget so much that we bought a second one! Seriously, my favorite little piece of technology!
- This feels so amazing on your face and helps to relieve the pain associated with sinus pressure.
- I keep this in my mini skincare fridge. LOVE it!
- This is the only product from this list that I do not own…but I’ve been reading the great reviews on it and eyeing it. Have you tried this?
- I did not include this in the picture collage below because although I have one and I’ve tried it numerous times; it just doesn’t work for me. I know all the allergists I’ve seen highly recommend it.

What are some allergy relief products you’ve bought and swear by? Have you tried any of the products I’ve shared above? Have they worked for you?
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